30 June 2010

Poland has the cheapest food in the EU

Poland's food and non-alcoholic drinks in a comparable shopping basket to other European Union member states was found to be an average of 36 percent cheaper according to figures reported by Eurostat.

In the survey carried out by the Eurostat, the statistical office of the European Union during 2009, prices from the 37 participating countries for food, alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages and tobacco were compared across around 500 comparable products.

In a breakdown Polish bread and cereals were 42 percent cheaper than the average for all EU member states with meat being 44 percent cheaper, milk, cheese and eggs 37 percent cheaper, tobacco 48 percent cheaper and alcoholic beverages 11 percent cheaper.

Overall Poland was found to have the lowest prices on average closely followed bt Bulgaria and Romania.  Denmark averages the highest prices at around 40 percent overall more than the EU average.

What the survey fails to mention is that wages in Poland are also below the EU members states average.

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